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What is MOMS Club?

History of MOMS Club


The MOMS Club® began in 1983 when Mary James, an at-home mother in California, decided she was tired of being alone at home. She decided to start a brand new organization, and the MOMS Club was born. MOMS stands for MOMS Offering Moms Support. The chapter she started was so successful, she knew mothers in other areas must be needing the MOMS Club, too. Mothers who work part-time or from home, but are at home with their children during the day, are welcome also. 


Now we have over 2100+ chapters and 110,000+ members! New chapters are starting all the time -- in fact, there are about 30 new chapters starting every month!


If you are not in our vicinity and would like to learn about or start a chapter in your own area, the International MOMS Club would love to help you! More information at International MOMS Club®


How do I become a member?

Please send a request to learn more about our chapter via the JOIN US page, or send an email to our Membership VP at We will contact you with upcoming events.  You may attend two public events to see if the club is a good fit for you before you join. When you are ready to join, we ask you to fill out a membership form and pay $20 dues for the year. 


Can my children really come to everything with me?

We believe that being a mother shouldn't isolate you, so children are always welcome at our events.  We do have MOMS Night Out once a month and while some moms choose to leave their children at home with dad or a sitter, it is not required.

How do I become more involved?

We rely on our members for everything, so your participation is very much appreciated.  It is up to you to decide what level of participation works best for you and your family.  If you have any ideas, suggestions or opinions, please share them with a board member.



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